Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sick Again...Naturally

I went to see a dermatologist, again. This time with the hope of finding a solution to get rid of an itchy red patch on the back of the neck that had popped out a week ago.

She told me that it was #?!@!?#@ (Srry, since the left hemisphere of my brain didn't function well, I couldn't catch that technical term), probably caused by nervous breakdown or stress. That analysis hit the bullseye.

I was under extreme stress during the past two week as a consequence of my work (I'll bore you with that issue later) when these annoying little spots started to exhibit themselves to the world using my neck as their base camp. As I said before in Life is a Roller Coaster, I had never believed about the influence of stress on our physical condition, but this situation just made the theory more plausible (to me).

Well, let's see if I'm capable of keeping my stress level under control. Maybe all I need is just a little trip of soul-searching with myself, alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, we are getting older...let's face it...
To live a working life in our twenty something can make us overlook a simple thing yet important called health. Be aware.
E'Nat has had cold more often than her four years in Chula lately and I just survived from dying alone in my house after suffering from 39.5 C fever two days ago....
Take care na woey and be back soon..Kid Teung Ja Tai Ha Yuu Leaw!