Tuesday, January 16, 2007


For the best result, the iron must be wrought when it's still hot. That's why I'm writing about being trapped when I'm ACTUALLY trapped in my own apartment in this very moment.

I've been trapped twice in my whole beautiful life. In the first time, I got involutarily imprisoned in the bathroom of Takeshi's flat. The moment I locked the door and heard Takeshi's Noooooooooooooo was undescribable. I suddenly realised something wrong was about to happen (and actually it had already happened); the lock, once shut, would never open again.
By all wit and talents that I had been blessedly given at birth, and with a knife passed from the other side, I managed to get out in one hour time.

The second time is NOW.

I've spent all day long doing this and that without knowing my fate. When I got dressed and ready to head to FNAC, I saw something strange at the locks. One of them, that was supposed to be intact, was shut. OMFG.

I've already tried a role of McGuyver, but to no avail. The door's security system has proved its effectiveness. Stronger than any imaginable vaults on Earth. And so I resigned.

Picked a phone, called Beatrix, waited for help. Nothing. Called Beatrix again, then Lola, waited for help. The phone rang, I picked up and was told by Lola that she was gonna set me free very soon. On her way now. Started counting.


1 comment:

ilene said...

Hola Mod!
its so good to hear from you as well. I miss everyone from the spain days lots, and im excited to see evans has a blog as well. Sigues viviendo en Madrid? Ill have to add a link to your blog when I figure out how to do that.. and catch up on reading when i have time. hasta pronto!