Monday, December 31, 2012

Journey to Egypt: Promise fulfilled

Dear Mai and Milano,
I am not sure if you remember me at all.
By chance, we met in Egypt in March 2009, twice! I remember meeting both of you for the first time and then again in a caravan heading to Abu Simbel where you saw me sleeping in one of the vans that were passing by.
As far as I recall, from the remnants of the tickets and photos that I have, I got your contacts and promised that I would send you an email after coming back to Thailand.
I never forgot the promise but, to be more precise, my laziness overcame my sense of duty and I set aside all the tickets, notes and diary about Egypt on my desk, telling myself that someday I would sort them out and put them all together in my diary.  Sadly, that day never came... well, at least, until now.
I am cleaning my room, to welcome the New Year and now I came across a note in which your email addresses are written.  So, I fumbled through the photo vault and I found this photo where both of you are in!  It is not clear but I hope that you can recognize yourselves!
By the way, it’s virus-free! don’t worry.
So, I hope that this email doesn’t come too late and that both of you are fine.  I wish you all the best for this coming New Year 2013.
Best Regards from Bangkok,
P.D. I even remember who is who.  Mai, you are the one standing on the stone and Milano, you are the one taking the photo! It’s funny how memory works.


Anonymous said...

has recibido alguna respuesta?

Modcito said...

Lamentablemente, no :-(
No se' si al final le ha llegado el mensaje o no, ojala llegue a leerlo algun dia si cae en su 'junk box'...

Anonymous said...

Hola mod, que tal? tu sabes donde se puede estudiar espanol en bangkok? acabo de llegar a bangkok y voy a vivir aqui un par de he enterado de que no hay instituto cervantes por aqui. sabes algun sitio en el que suele reunirse la gente que hable espanol? saludos cordiales

Modcito said...

Hola, que sepa yo, aqui en BKK no hay sitios particulares donde suelen unirse la gente de habla hispana, pero si que hay grupos como "Bangkok Spanish Club" o "Bangkok Spanish Meeting Point" en facebook que de vez en cuando convocan unas reuniones o simplemente quedan para charlar en algunos sitios. Intenta con estos grupos :-)

Anonymous said...

pues gracias tio, quedo muy agradecido. yo soy tony y he sido becario de la aecid como tu. me voy a meter en las paginas web que me has dicho, a ver si me sale alguna cosa interesante. si en el futuro cercano te enteras de alguna actividad cultural espanola, que me lo haces saber por favor, o si proximamente te da la gana de hablar espanol con alguien, que sepas que me tienes a mi :-) puedes contactar conmigo por facebook buscando , pues nada mod , cuidate, saludos cordiales