Saturday, February 09, 2008

The Signs

Sometimes the endless choices that stand before you, that lessen your instict by imposing on you the fear to make any decision that may affect the course of your future, can be overwhelming and consequently lead you to choose the worst path; doing nothing, standing still and being afraid to go for it.

When such moment comes, when our insticts are blurred by the intimidation of uncertainty that lies within the choices to be made, we desperately seek solutions, hints or clues that may help us get out of the maze. They may come in the form of anything, be it books, articles, advices from friends, mottos, quotes, philosophy or even yourself.

However, some say that such solutions don't come when you need them most. Sometimes, they never do. That's probably the time you have to look around you in search of the signs.

As Paolo Coelho says in his masterpiece "The Alchemist", God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left for you. I personally never believe in God, needless to say the signs. Nevertheless, my recent experience has taught me to take a good look at things at difficult time from a different angle and become more observant of the circumstances and things around me. They may reveal themselves and lead you to the end of the dark tunnel that seems endless. I learnt to search for the signs that support the decision I determined right and was about to make. When I found them, I went for it.

I was so afraid whether to take the offer in a medium-sized company that mainly dealt with Spanish clients although the position might perfectly fit me. It wasn't the establishment that was the problem but actually it was me. I was intimidated by my own ego and afraid that if I accepted the offer, I would soon abandon it to look for something "greater" for which I thought I was worth, as I had done in the past. Then again, I began to look around and noticed that some small details concerning the post did fit my lifestyle and needs. At once I knew they were "the signs", no matter how small they might be. From there I got to know I really wanted that opportunity and started to thread for the bigger ones which would finally inspire me to reach for the star. I knew that the "bigger signs" might or might not exist but the inspiration I got from the "smaller ones" had already propelled me to look for them at any cost and I finally found them. That was when I felt comfortable, either with myself or the circumstances, to make the decision and compromise myself at a long run and, of course, with no more clouds of uncertainty.

The great job I got wasn't the most precious treasure I had found. It was the experience itself. I finally see the existence of what I previously considered inexistent and have learned how to look at the positive side of small things that may inspire you for something greater.

When you're at a dead-end, it's probably time to start looking for the signs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm a bit indecisive about something then I get to read your blog. Well, I guess I can call it 'the sign' cos now I've made up my mind. Thanks :)