Monday, October 22, 2007

Dumbledore is GAY!

That was one of the best news ever in this entire year!

The fact was confirmed by JK Rowling herself in a promotional tour for her latest book of the megahit sagas Harry Potter.  Though it was just a fictional character, I felt great to know that she had planned to assign the attribute to such an important character.  Some gay activists said that it should have been more explicit, but come on, it was a children story and should it be THAT explicit?

All I care about is the fact that JK have tried hard to include every element in our world to enrich the perfection of the wizarding community, including homosexuality.  That movement was something.

Personally, the thought has never come across my mind at all.  It was, for me, a total surprise, probably because I wasn't the biggest fan of Harry Potter series.  This doesn't make her the best author of children books, but it has moved her up the rank to one of those prominent novelists in my list who try to project the reality of this world into their own world of fantasy, giving us the opportunity to learn and understand the complex reality from the simpler fiction.

I am still not a die-hard fan of hers, but at least she is now in one of my favourite and, more importantly, respected writers.

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