Monday, December 31, 2012

Journey to Egypt: Promise fulfilled

Dear Mai and Milano,
I am not sure if you remember me at all.
By chance, we met in Egypt in March 2009, twice! I remember meeting both of you for the first time and then again in a caravan heading to Abu Simbel where you saw me sleeping in one of the vans that were passing by.
As far as I recall, from the remnants of the tickets and photos that I have, I got your contacts and promised that I would send you an email after coming back to Thailand.
I never forgot the promise but, to be more precise, my laziness overcame my sense of duty and I set aside all the tickets, notes and diary about Egypt on my desk, telling myself that someday I would sort them out and put them all together in my diary.  Sadly, that day never came... well, at least, until now.
I am cleaning my room, to welcome the New Year and now I came across a note in which your email addresses are written.  So, I fumbled through the photo vault and I found this photo where both of you are in!  It is not clear but I hope that you can recognize yourselves!
By the way, it’s virus-free! don’t worry.
So, I hope that this email doesn’t come too late and that both of you are fine.  I wish you all the best for this coming New Year 2013.
Best Regards from Bangkok,
P.D. I even remember who is who.  Mai, you are the one standing on the stone and Milano, you are the one taking the photo! It’s funny how memory works.